Why Can’t You “Fix” Your Pain

As my patients can tell you, I am a big fan of positive thinking. But there are times when an overly optimistic attitude or a mistaken belief about what is possible can actually get in the way of healing. An example of this, which I often see, is the notion that there is a cure or solution for everything that hurts.

It is understandable that many patients go to their doctors in order to get ready. They want to find out what the problem is, solve it, make the pain go away and then move on with their lives. But humans are not machines: you cannot replace or repair a broken part and then everything works like new. The pain you experience is often the product of many interconnection factors and not just a simple cause. Humans simply do not come with an easy-to-read owner’s manual.

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Back pain is an excellent example. Back pain or sciatica can start with a trigger, such as a herniated disc or a lifting injury. But a single targeted tissue injury can quickly lead to a series of events that include stiffening of the back muscles, stiffness of the joints and nerve malfunction. As this happens, the back becomes more difficult to move, the legs get weaker and it is increasingly difficult to sleep, get comfortable or go to work. If this situation continues, a person can easily become anxious, depressed, get away from friends and family and feel the loss of lost income.

Expect all these complex and interconnected problems to be solved simply by back surgery to “fix” something structural that can become a recipe for disaster. Recovery from extensive back surgery such as a fusion may mean months or years of recovery without a guarantee of substantial and lasting pain relief. Regardless of the treatments you choose, I think it helps to adopt the healing mentality of what hurts instead of focusing on a quick cure or solution. Muscle imbalances, inflamed joints, herniated discs and injured nerves can go through a recovery process, and the more time and attention we give, the better the result.

And it’s not just the body that needs to heal. The psyche and soul of the person who suffers needs a way to relieve uncomfortable mood swings and relieve overwhelming stress. Continuous pain can trigger a “run away or fight” response, which leads to changes in the nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system that constantly keep us at the limit and in panic mode. A surgery or treatment will not necessarily restore emotional balance and make all this disappears.

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Healing can also mean acceptance of what it is, with all its imperfections. For example, a natural part of how the body heals is to place scar tissue. A broken bone or a broken tendon may heal, but it will not look exactly like before the injury. We cannot go back in time and look, move or feel exactly as we did years ago, so it is better to focus our time and energy on making today the best possible. Acceptance is not giving up, but rather reaching an understanding of how we can be the best version of ourselves after everything we’ve been through.

Both the human body and the human spirit are designed to heal, repair and restore itself when it is injured. Changing from a “fix” mentality to one focused on healing can open new doors to better pain management and well-being.

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Tags: Living with Chronic Pain, Surgery, Back Pain, pain management, pain treatment, chronic pain, back pain

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